


We encourage you to follow along on our Living Building journey. Read about the challenges that arose from this project and how we approached and solved them, as well as how we approach the education and equity petals of the LBC. 

Loom House Received Accolades in Portrait Magazine

Loom house is the first-ever renovated residence in the world to be awarded full living building challenge (lbc) certification, a demanding sustainable program that Charlie Hellstern Interior Design, The Miller Hull Partnership, Clark Construction Inc, and Anne James Landscape Architect worked flawlessly together to achieve its stringent demands.

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todd vogel

Loom House is the recipient of AIA Seattle’s 2021 Honor Award. Of 103 submittals, the selection committee identified 16 projects that exhibited a “high level of design excellence in projects that delight, inspire and enrich their communities all while having a positive impact on the environment.” We are honored for this recognition and congratulate our team’s efforts.

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todd vogel
Five Invisible Ways you are Already Woven

In my last post, I used the metaphor of weaving to think about how houses are interconnected with their places, and invited you to think about how your home relates to its land and ecology. Here I want to offer a few more, really simple ways that we as people are woven into the web of our homes and places. These are so universal and constant that you don’t have to think about them – in fact, we lose out by not realizing they are happening to us all the time. Bringing them to mind and into focus can deepen your sense of belonging, wherever you are. It becomes increasingly clear that you are fitted perfectly into the world with every step, with every breath. And knowing that you belong reduces stress, helping you find clarity for all the choices you make.

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todd vogel
Dezeen features Loom House

“The project entailed improvements to the building envelopes and updates to interior spaces, along with the inclusion of systems to make the home self-sufficient… Throughout the residence, nontoxic materials were chosen for furniture and finishes.”⁠ Thrilled to see Loom House featured on Dezeen this week!

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todd vogel
Superpowers of the LBC: Learning and Teaching

Our architects like to joke that we made our decision to attempt the Living Building Challenge with lightning speed -- virtually overnight! In fact, as I suggested in my last post, it felt as though we'd been preparing for it all our lives. We recognized the LBC across a room crowded with other green-building standards, and we knew right away that we were family…

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todd vogel
Loom Wins Architizer A+ Jury Award

Loom House for Innovative Sustainable Design was selected as a finalist in the Architizer A+Awards, making it one of five projects in the world to be shortlisted for the Popular Choice Vote in its category.

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todd vogel
Loom Wins AIA National 2021 Housing Award

Loom House is a recipient of @AIANational’s 2021 Housing Awards. This award recognizes ten homes that emphasize the importance of good housing as a necessity of life, a sanctuary for the human spirit, and a valuable natural resource. Congratulations to all award winners and partners involved!

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todd vogel
Winter Wren song is calling us home

The Winter Wren is my favorite local bird, and this Spring on my visits to the woods I seem to hear more of them than ever. Their beautiful, melodious song is an invitation to choose a home: each year the males build a number of provisional nests, and then they sing to attract a mate to choose her favorite. I love their hard work and optimism! Less than half the size of my fist, they are amazingly powerful -- for their weight, they produce 10 times the volume of a crowing Rooster.

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Placetodd vogel
Loom House Awarded LBC 4.0 Certification!

Loom House has done it! It has achieved LBC 4.0 Certification, officially making it one of the most sustainable houses on earth. Located on a beautifully landscaped bluff overlooking Puget Sound, Loom House is an extensive renovation of a classic 1960s northwest-style home on Bainbridge Island, Washington.

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todd vogel